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Coming Soon to ARMA

Oct 13, 2022

You've been selected to beta-test the new ARMA experience! Over the coming weeks, you will notice different elements of the ARMA website experience changing. Thanks for bearing with us as we process and launch the all-new experience!

Over the past 6 months, we've had some exciting things in process, and it's finally time to share them with you. Coming in the next month, we'll be implementing a completely new look for the ARMA platform. It captures who we are and brings new life to the content you love.

There is also going to be a brand new experience when you log into the platform. We recognize our growing course library can be overwhelming and are implementing a new way of navigating it that is intuitive and helpful.

Last, but certainly not least, we will soon be finalizing a partnership with God Behind Bars! ARMA will be providing Biblical education for incarcerated individuals to learn the Bible for themselves — a mission near and dear to our hearts!

We hope you're ready to step into a new season with us. We trust God is going to do more than he ever has before. Get ready for some exciting changes!


- The ARMA Team